HEARTS (Yangon) Training Center is the first training center established since Early 2018.
The HEARTS Head Office is also running from the Yangon Center.
Daw Wai Wai Tun (B.N.Sc) is the General Manager and the Center Manager of Yangon Center/ Head Office.
Managing Director and the Principal of HEARTS Centers Dr. Myat Maw Tun’s office is also located at the Yangon center.

HEARTS (Hinthada) Training Center is the second training center which is located in the delta region, Irrawaddy Division, commenced in January 2019.
U Shwe Min Thu is the Center Manager who is responsible for both Teaching and Admin matters.

HEARTS (Myitkyina) Training Center is the third training center started in February 2019, which is located in the northern part of Myanmar called Kachin State.
Another B.N.Sc holder Daw Hnin Pwint Ko is taking the position of Center Manager and she is responsible for both teaching and administrative matters.

HEARTS (Lashio) Training Center is the fourth one which is located in the eastern part of Myanmar, Shan State and the first batch of training was started in July 2019.
Daw Nang Sein Aung who is the holder of Dip in Nursing (Raffles, Singapore) is in-charge of training and Daw Nang Hmwe Phoung is the operation manager.

HEARTS (Hpa An) is the fifth center established in the southern part of Myanmar, called Karen State. The center was open since September 2019.
Daw May Phyo Thu, a holder of Diploma in Nursing (Nanyang Poly, Singapore) and a former senior staff nurse of KK Women and Children Hospital in Singapore, is taking the role of center manager be responsible for both academic and admin matters.

HEARTS (Mawlamyine) is located in Mon State which is also located in the southern part of Myanmar. HEARTS (Mawlamyine) center is the sixth center which has been running its training courses a few days after HEARTS (Hpa An) center.
Daw Christine Snow, the Diploma holder in nursing (Ngee Ann poly, Singapore) as well as a Bachelor Degree holder in nursing (Graffith Uni, Singapore) who also had working experience as a senior staff nurse in KK Women and Children Hospital before, is the center manager taking responsible for teaching and administrative matters.

HEARTS (Mandalay) which is the seventh center located in the middle Myanmar, Mandalay Division, running its training courses since December 2019.
Daw Oo San Yi, a diploma holder in nursing who had working experience in Singapore as an operating theatre nurse, is in charge of HEARTS (Mandalay) be responsible for both teaching and administration.